
1inaBillion Entertainment|| Day2Day.TV

1 Ina Billion Guy

Monday 26 July 2010

Only Time Will Tell...

So it's been almost 5 months since my last blog post, however I drafted two posts which I never actually got round to finishing due to a number of things. Firstly after giving up Twitter and Facebook for 40+ days for Lent, I somewhat went on a bender to catch up and reply all my notifications and tweets respectively. Then I had an operation on my foot due to an ongoing injury from American Football with my University Team Surrey Stingers. We Missed out on the play-offs because we are a joint team and the BUAFL changed the stipulations. So after a successful operation I found myself on crutches for 8 weeks! This would lead me to missing the senior leagues with my new team, London Cobras.

You’d think I’d have all the time in the world to sit on my backside and blog as well as use social updating websites, but with crunch time at Uni underway and other personal issues, I just never got back into the blogging vibe! So I to those loyal readers, I do apologies and I will be back on my Blogging flex. Also been trying to sort a legal issue in regards to our media company in which it was declared that we stole the name from a group of people in Scotland …??? Yep! So we had to remove our Napa footage and poetry corner. However all should be cleared up in the next coming weeks so I will keep you informed. I have a lot of projects that I am currently underway in planning and producing, just putting the finishing touches before we start filming; Short films (1inaBillionEnt) and comedy sketches (Feezy's World of Comedy #FWOC) by yours truly :o) I Will keep you all updated on my Twitter


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