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1 Ina Billion Guy

Monday 26 July 2010

Say It Isn't So? The UK Film Council Has To Go? Cameron You CU***!

What A Blow.....This Is Upsetting! The Tories Continue To Shake Up The Nation By axing an important source towards British Cinema. In the house of commons today it was announced as part of budget cuts that the UK FILM Council Is to be cancelled. Not many people know what the UK Film Council is or what they do, but to us film and media heads, this is a major knockout blow, especially to those including myself that are trying to break into the film making industry. In 10 years the UK Film Council (click on the highlighted link to see what they do) funded 900 films which have entertained over 200 million people and helped generate just under £1Billion!!! So the FUCKING TORIES think it's OK and reasonable to cut something so beneficial towards the film industry in the UK? The funniest and ONLY funniest thing about this is that The UK Film council is only costing £12million-£15million of tax payers money, yet its revenue intake is almost 400%. I Was watching sky news and they want to invest money in starting a British FBI....FOR WHAT?...From time we have the Mi5, Mi6, Why the need for a British FBI?...An excuse for Armed Officers maybe?

I Was very privileged to be given an exclusive screening to UK Film Council's Harry Brown, starring Michael Caine, in November last year, as part of London Film Week.  Either way it is a sad day for the British Film Industry. All u pricks that thought "oh I'm not gonna vote labour anymore cos of the Iraq war or cos I'm broke, so I'm voting Tory"...if u are trying to break it into the film industry...i shake my big head at you! Click on the link below for more information regarding the story.


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